You’re Actively Pursuing Fitness. Now, You Can Actively Pursue Breast Health, Too.

You’ve Never Had Access to This Kind of Information about Your Breast Health
As a part of the Echelon Community, we know you work hard to keep fit. But did you know there’s a lot you can do to help keep your breasts healthy, too? Read the tips and important new information that can empower you to help protect yourself from breast cancer. And find out how our partnership with Healthyr™ could make a lifesaving difference.
Stuff you may already know …
- Avoid or minimize alcohol intake. An analysis of data from 53 studies found that for each alcoholic drink consumed per day, the relative risk of breast cancer increased by about 7%. And women who had two to three alcoholic drinks per day had a 20% higher risk. That’s significant.
- Exercise is more important than ever. We know our members are probably way ahead on this one. Still, it’s good to know that as few as 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of brisk exercise reduces a woman’s breast cancer risk by 18%. The American Cancer society recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week.
- Bodyweight matters. Women who are overweight or obese after menopause have a 30% to 60% higher breast cancer risk – another great reason to keep in shape.
Stuff you probably don’t know …
- A heart attack can be a risk factor. A study from New York University tells us that patients who survived a heart attack may be more likely to die from cancer later on. Study authors say heart attacks cause changes to immune cells that make them less able to attack cancer cells, potentially allowing tumors to grow more quickly. So, vigilance is especially important for women who’ve had a heart attack.
- Tattoos can complicate screenings. Did you know pigment can migrate to lymph nodes? That can trigger a false alarm on a mammogram.
- 85% of breast cancers occur in women without a family history. Having a relative with breast cancer may put you at a higher risk. So be sure to share this information with your healthcare provider. But everyone needs to be aware of the risk because most cases occur in people with no family history.
Why is all this so important to you?
On average, every two minutes a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. One in eight US women will develop breast cancer within their lifetime. Unfortunately, nearly half of women miss their recommended annual screening mammogram.
And, while one in every 196 women below the age of 40 is diagnosed with breast cancer every year, screening mammograms aren’t even available to them! What makes that even worse is that younger women are at higher risk for an advanced diagnosis, recurrence after treatment, and spreading beyond the breasts.
Introducing Auria – a breakthrough in breast cancer screening
Now, a revolutionary at-home assessment can identify the presence of proteins in your tears that may indicate breast cancer well before symptoms are present. That’s important because early detection greatly improves outcomes. And when caught in its earliest, localized stages, the five-year relative survival rate for breast cancer is 99%. This new assessment is called the Auria® Home Breast Cancer Screening test and it’s being brought to you by our friends at Healthyr.
Auria is effective even on dense breasts. It sees what imaging can’t. And it’s available to women starting at age 30!
Echelon members get exclusive pricing all month long.
We care about our members’ health. So, this October, we’re doing more than promoting breast cancer awareness. We’re championing Action Over Awareness to save more lives with earlier detection of breast cancer. That’s why we’ve partnered with Healthyr, the creator of the test, to offer our members a discounted price on the Auria Home Breast Cancer Screening Test, brought to you by Healthyr.
To learn more and to order your test, visit the Healthyr website.