Get to Know… Lindsay Gurry

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Instructor: Lindsay Gurry
Language: English
Teaches On: Connect Bike, Reflect
Studio: Miami
Instagram: @fablinds
Meet Lindsay
Lindsay has three passions in life: Disney, which she calls her second home; Starbucks, which she drinks hot 365 days a year; and fitness, which started with early-morning group classes quickly became a career path. She’s all about high energy and tough love in her classes — especially tough if the Patriots lose. When she isn’t leading classes, Lindsay is usually at the dog park with her 95-lb chocolate lab Enzo. He takes after his mom and loves to exercise.
Lindsay’s Fitness Journey
Lindsay developed a passion for fitness while working in hospitality as a Training and Development Manager. She quickly understood the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle while working late nights and being around food and alcohol 24/7.
To counter the unhealthy challenges of her job, she started taking group fitness classes early morning before work. Lindsay fell in love with the loud music, the fun competition, and how she felt after class! Eventually, she decided to make the career change to full-time fitness and has also served as a mentor for many other aspiring instructors.
What Brought Lindsay to Echelon
Lindsay was immediately drawn to Echelon’s open, loving, and supportive group of instructors and members. She is known for tough love, no BS, high-energy classes. You know you’re in for a good sweat session when Lindsay pulls her long hair into a bun. She loves to say “the bun means business,” and it does!
For Lindsay, this signifies the point in a workout where you’re too sweaty for a ponytail to cut it and ready to push yourself to the next level. But she also makes plenty of time for dance parties. In her opinion, if you aren’t having fun while you're working out, you're doing it WRONG!
Lindsay’s Advice for New Members
The best advice is often the simplest — don't give up. You will have great days and you will have tough days, but consistency is key! Go at your own pace, take your time, don't get frustrated, and trust the process. Lindsay will be with you 100% of the way, looking for 110% effort while you're with her!
New to Echelon? You can join Lindsay on the Connect Bike and Reflect. Her classes are available on-demand and live for Echelon Premier members in the Miami studio and on the Echelon Fit® app.