Top 6 Ways an Echelon Connect Bike Could Upgrade Your Life

Real talk: buying a piece of exercise equipment for your home can give some folks anxiety. You’re not sure if it will be worth it or if you’ll even use it. Maybe you’re afraid you’ll end up with buyer’s remorse and, worse, a seven hundred dollar clothing rack.
Luckily, our Echelon Connect Bikes are anything but. Daily low-impact exercise has been proven to promote higher energy levels, control weight, and combat both mental and physical health conditions. Below are six of the ways buying an Echelon Connect Bike could help you upgrade your life!
Energy Levels Could Improve
When you’re feeling tired, what’s your first go-to activity? If you answer “nap” then you’re probably like most Americans. We all love a quick afternoon snooze when the energy levels are low, but the truth of the matter is light to moderate exercise can actually boost your energy levels and fight fatigue. What better way to exercise than a low-impact Echelon Connect Bike?
A Echelon Connect Bike May Save You a Few Bucks
We strive to offer a Connect Bike for every budget. But beyond equipment cost, there’s also the hidden savings most folks don’t think about. The average cost of a gym membership costs about $700 dollars a year (double that if you live in a major city). That doesn’t include joining fees and up-charges. By buying your own piece of gym equipment, you’ll be saving money that would otherwise go to unnecessary gym dues!
Improved Relationships and Mental Health
One aspect of exercise many people don’t think about is the role it can play in your mental health. Studies have proven that aerobic exercise, such as cycling, can reduce anxiety and depression while also improving mental health, cognitive function and self-esteem. This is something to really get excited about!
It’s the Perfect Low-Impact Exercise
Let’s face it, whether you like it or not, every day we’re all getting just a little bit older and running, jogging, lifting, and squatting takes a toll on the body. With an Echelon Connect Bike, you can get a total body workout all while sitting down. Therefore, there’ll be much lower risk of arthritis or other pain conditions as the years roll on. Likewise, there’s a much lower risk of injury than with other forms of cardio workouts!
It’s Convenient Even with Your Busy Lifestyle
In this day and age, everyone’s got to hustle. Maybe you, like many of us these days, work a full-time job and then pick up gigs on the weekend, or freelance in your spare time. Having a piece of workout equipment in your home could make getting a total workout all the more convenient. No longer would you have to bring our gym clothes to work, run over to the gym after work, workout, drive all the way home, shower, change and then, finally, get some time to just decompress. Instead, you could just come home, change, and jump on the bike and, afterwards, the rest of the evening is yours. Sweet bliss.
Connected Cycling is Legitimately Fun
You may have enjoyed a cycling class before, but the Echelon United Membership will bring the cycling experience to the next level. We have world-class instructors, live and on-demand classes (both on and off the bike), and an awesome community built on the camaraderie of sweating towards goals together. You’ll never be bored with all the ways we can get fit!
Only you can upgrade your life to find that better, fitter, and healthier version of yourself. Workout equipment like an Echelon Connect Bike is only a part of the process. But it’s a pretty good place to start so what are you waiting for?