Reflect Winter Series: November - December

The next 8-week series' reason behind programming is to focus on the importance of building strength, power, and agility with our Strength and HIIT workouts while balancing out the intensity with our low impact Yoga, Pilates, Barre, and Stretch classes. This creates an overall well-balanced and sustainable class schedule to make a stronger and more powerful YOU!
Wake & Work
Wake up and work out before the sun rises. Classes are a mix of strength to get your muscles pumped, combined with yoga classes to get the blood flowing. We've designed this balanced series for early morning movers!
Monday, 6:15 AM ET | Strength 20 - Total Body | Dani
Wednesday, 6:15 AM ET | Yoga 20 - Athletic | Sam
Wednesday, 6:45 AM ET | Strength 20 - Total Body | Sam
Friday, 6:15 AM ET | Yoga 20 - Athletic | Sam
Recommended Equipment: 1 set of Dumbbells, 1 mini band + yoga block
The Rebel
You're gonna work hard, but don't expect the norm! In these advanced lower body and upper body strength classes, Dani and Ashley have some tricks up their sleeves. Just when you think you’ve figured it out, the rebel comes out and the game changes!
Thursday, 8:00 AM ET | Strength 20 - Lower Body | Dani
Friday, 8:15 AM ET | Strength 20 - Upper Body | Mari
Recommended Equipment: Long band and Mini band
Fired Up!
Move It Monday and Fired Up Friday with Mari! These high-intensity cardio-focused workouts will get you fiya'd up in just 10 minutes. To keep you balanced, you'll recover and rest with a stretch to follow.
Monday, 7:15 AM ET | Strength 10 - HIIT | Mari
Monday, 7:30 AM ET | Stretch 10 | Mari
Friday, 7:15 AM ET | Strength 10 - HIIT | Mari
Friday, 7:30 AM ET | Stretch 10 | Mari
Recommended Equipment: Bodyweight
Transform your body and mind in these 30-minute classes. Monday through Thursday you'll focus on strength training for a specific body part, culminating in a juicy vinyasa practice on Friday. Motion is lotion, and in this case, it's transformative!
Monday, 9:15 AM ET | Strength 30 - Lower (Glutes and Hamstrings) | Sam
Tuesday, 9:30 AM ET | Strength 30 - Upper (Chest Back) | Mari
Wednesday, 9:15 AM ET | Strength 30 - Lower (Quads, Inner/Outer Thighs) | Lindsay
Thursday, 9:30 AM ET | Strength 30 - Upper (Bis, Tris) | Reed
Friday, 9:15 AM ET | Yoga 30 - Vinyasa | Nikita
Friday, 10:15 AM ET | Active Recovery 20 - Mobility Flow | Nikita
Recommended Equipment: Ab wheel, 1 set of Dumbbells, long band
The Burnout
Never tried a barre workout? It's time to get out of your comfort zone! This series combines endurance training and micromovements of barre with core-focused strength classes. Take this series together to get the maximum burn!
Monday, 8:15 AM ET | Barre 20 - Upper Body | Mari
Tuesday, 8:30 AM ET | Strength 20 - Core | Mari
Wednesday, 8:15 AM ET | Barre 20 - Lower Body | Mari
Thursday, 8:45 AM ET | Strength 20 - Core | Reed
Recommended Equipment: 1 Mini band, 1 Set of dumbbells, Ankle Weights
Tone Up
These classes are a perfect mix of big movement strength and core classes combined with the focus and precision of barre. Each day has a specific focus so you'll want to jump on this and get toned up!
Monday, 5:15 PM ET | Strength 20 - Glutes & Thighs | Ashley
Monday, 5:45 PM ET | Core 10 | Ashley
Tuesday, 5:15 PM ET | Strength 20 - Core | Arms and Abs
Tuesday 5:45 PM ET | Core 10 | Reed
Wednesday, 5:15 PM ET | Strength 20 - Core and Glutes | Ashley
Wednesday, 5:45 PM ET | Core 10 | Ashley
Thursday, 5:15 PM ET | Barre 20 - HIIT | Mari
Thursday, 5:45 PM ET | Core 10 | Mari
Friday, 4:30 PM ET | Strength 20 - Total Body | Reed
Friday, 5:00 PM ET | Core 10 | Reed
Recommended Equipment: 2 Sets of dumbbells
Yin &Yang
When opposites attract you'll get the best of rejuvenating yoga combined with intense strength training and HIIT.
Monday, 11:15 AM ET | Yoga 20 - Slow Flow | Nikita
Monday, 11:45 AM ET | Yoga 30 - Athletic | Nikita
Tuesday, 10:30 AM ET | Strength 20 - Total Body | Ashley
Tuesday, 11:00 AM ET | HIIT 10 | Ashley
Wednesday, 11:15 AM ET | Yoga 20 - Vinyasa | Nikita
Wednesday, 11:45 AM ET | Yoga 30 - Slow Flow | Nikita
Thursday, 10:30 AM ET | Strength 20 - Total Body | Lindsay
Thursday, 11:00 AM ET | Strength 20 - HIIT | Lindsay
Recommended Equipment: 1 Set of dumbbells, 1 Medicine Ball
Kettlebell Basics
Cover the basics, get a great workout, and learn the best recovery methods surrounding kettlebells.
Wednesday, 12:30 PM ET | Strength 10 - Kettlebell Basics | Jaime
Wednesday, 12:45 PM ET | Strength 20 - Lower Body | Jaime
Friday, 12:30 PM ET | Strength 10 - Kettlebell Basics | Jaime
Friday, 12:45 PM ET | Strength 20 - Upper Body | Jaime
Recommended Equipment: Kettlebells
Breakdown Training
In strength basics, Dani will break down those complicated strength moves you've always had questions about. Then you'll put it all together. If you've ever done a builder workout, this is the opposite and you are in for a treat! Start with five exercises. Each round one exercise goes away. The catch? The exercises get longer and more intense!
Sunday, 9:00 AM ET | Strength 10 - Basics | Dani
Sunday, 9:30 AM ET | Strength 20 - Alternating | Dani
Rhythm & Resistance
Work out to the beat of the music with Ashley. This is a non-stop, heart-bumping class that will strengthen your body and get you moving and grooving!
Thursday, 6:45 PM ET | Total Body 30 - Bands | Ashley
Thursday, 7:30 PM ET | Stretch 10 | Ashley
Sunday, 10:00 AM ET | Total Body 20 | Ashley
Recommended Equipment: 1 Super band, 1 mini band
Power Pyramid
Bring the heat in this pyramid-style workout with Nicole.
Monday, 12:30 PM ET | Strength 20 - Rotate Arms & Abs, Glutes & Thighs, Total Body | Nicole
Recommended Equipment: 2 Sets of dumbbells