Made To Move

The Motivating Power of Music

Playing music during a workout is not just about entertainment. Music can impact the quality of your workout and drive your performance. We caught up with Connect Instructor Reed to find out how music impacts his classes. Here is what he had to say about workout music choice.

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Barre: A Great Workout For The Dancer In All of Us
Barre fitness is a low-impact workout class that combines ballet-inspired moves with elements of Pilates, yoga, dance, and strength training. Barre classes blend cardio, strength training, flexibility, balance, and core conditioning in a total body workout that targets the hips, glutes, abs, and arms. The three primary focuses of Barre are strength, flexibility, and stamina which make it a great workout for those of us who love to dance, grew up dancing, or both.
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Cycle Your Way to Better Mental Health

When we think of improving our mental health, how many of us immediately jump to thoughts of exercising? While working out to boost our mental state of mind might not be the first thing we think of, exercising provides numerous benefits not just to our physical health, but to our mental health as well.

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Three Valuable Tips for Workout Success

Life is hectic, often with little time left in a day to focus on taking care of ourselves. That’s why we reached out to Mari Espinoza, a fitness instructor with Echelon, to share her thoughts on how we can achieve greater workout success. Mari provides insight on why it’s important to schedule our workouts, have a friend to work out with, and be honest with ourselves about how we’re feeling.

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