Fueling My Week by Lindsay

My week has recently been a lot more packed than it ever has been. With teaching classes in Miami, days jam packed with important meetings, making time to spend with family, and paying attention to my fitness goals; I need to make sure I have enough energy and focus from the time I wake up at 5 am until the time I go to bed. These are some important things I do every single day to power through the week and show up as the best version of myself whether I’m teaching classes, at work, or being with my family...
- Every morning when I wake up at 5am, before reaching for the coffee, I hydrate!! Your body goes to work when you sleep removing any toxins or sickness from your body and it will leave you dehydrated. I have two big glasses of water to start my day, I wait 90 minutes after I wake up, then I reach for the decaf black coffee. Hold the sugar and cream!
- I move my body every day for at least an hour. Usually that is a combination of 30 minutes of heavy strength training and 30 minutes of cardio. Sometimes it’s dancing in my living room and some days it’s taking Enzo for a walk. As long as I’m moving my body, it always improves my mood, it improves my sleep, and keeps my body strong to fight injuries. Moving my body releases endorphins and we all know, endorphins make you happy!!!
- I practice positive self-talk. It’s so easy to get stressed out by the long running to-do list in your head and immediately having anxiety about your day. During my morning routine, I will usually tell myself, “Today will be a great day!” or “Today will be a productive day!” Anytime I practice self-talk first thing in the morning, my day always ends up being 100x better than I thought it would be!
- I focus on whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, etc. I stay away from processed or sugary foods as much as possible. (I’m still human and love desserts!! Maybe a cocktail or two on the weekends.) Focusing on consuming whole foods helps my brain stay sharp and my body feels energized.
- I prioritize sleep, rest days, and time with family. All three of those fuel my body and fill my heart to ensure each day is filled with positive energy.
Practicing a combination of all 5 of these each day always sets my week up for success and helps me power through feeling happy, full of energy, and ready to take on any challenges that are thrown my way!